Returns / Exchanges

Please contact for information on how to process a refund or exchange.

You can return an item for refund within 14 days from the date you received your order. All original packaging should be included in your return, and any labels on the garment(s) should still be attached. If these are not included or the garment has been worn the return will not be accepted and we will not process a refund.

Please note we only accept exchanges for products purchased from

You can return your order for exchange subject to stock availability within 28 days of receipt of goods. Exchanges only apply for items of the same price. All original packaging should be included in your return, and any labels on the garment(s) should still be attached. If these are not included or the garment has been worn the return will not be accepted and we will not process an exchange.

Return Labels

We offer free returns for US addresses (excluding Puerto Rico, Alaska & Hawaii). Please contact confirming your order name, order number, reason for return or exchange request. (If exchange, please confirm  style, size and length required). Please allow 48hrs for our customer service team to reply. We will send you a Shippo label with information on how to find your nearest drop off point. Your refund / exchange will be processed once the package has been received into our warehouse.

We currently do not offer free returns outside of mainland USA or to Puerto Rico, Alaska & Hawaii. Please contact for information on how to process a refund or exchange.

For all parcels sent back to our warehouse, please be sure to include your name, order number, reason for returning or details on the exchange you would like to make. You can fill out a returns slip that comes with your original order.